Isometric Neck Exercise - Front And Back
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General info
How to perform exercise
- With your head and neck in a neutral position (normal position with head erect facing forward), place both of your hands on the front side of your head.
- Now gently push forward as you contract the neck muscles but resisting any movement of your head. Start with slow tension and increase slowly. Keep breathing normally as you execute this contraction.
- Hold for the recommended number of seconds.
- Now release the tension slowly.
- Rest for the recommended amount of time and repeat with your hands placed on the back side of your head.
Variations: You can also do this exercise by placing your hands on the sides of your head. First do one side and then the next.
Photos of the correct technique
What muscles work?
If the correct technique is followed, the following muscle groups work: Neck, and auxiliary muscles:

Best workout routines with this exercise
These programs with this exercise «Isometric Neck Exercise - Front And Back» are among the best rated by athletes.
Exercise substitutions
You can try replacing the exercise «Isometric Neck Exercise - Front And Back» with one of these exercises. The possibility of replacement is determined on the basis of the muscle groups involved.
Isometric Neck Exercise - Front And Back
Author: AtletIQ: on
Isometric Neck Exercise - Front And Back — The benefits of exercise, how to properly perform and how many sets to do..
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